Expansion of our Hungarian location Pemac
In September 2020 we started the extension of our Hungarian location “PeMaC” from 3.500m² to 6.800m². Almost in time for the 15th anniversary of H&S Kabeltechnik in September 2021 the extension was completed. The expansion in Hungary came just at the right time, because the massive extension of the location now enables us to meet the increased demands on logistics and warehousing.
The customer base currently covers the whole of Europe, with the German-speaking region still predominating. Currently, about 10 million meters of cable are processed annually in a wide variety of applications. Due to the technological position of our customers with the urge for automation, as well as their worldwide pioneering position, we can look to the future with confidence.
,,Due to a very high order intake, production is bursting at the seams. All the better that we can now complete this in a record 13-month construction period,” Markus Schroll is pleased to report.
“We now produce for the automotive industry with fully automated robot systems. Furthermore, we have fully automated small parts warehouses and a highly modern machine park,” Christian Hochegger proudly reports.